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Events of the TEVAL SIG

WEBINAR June 9, 2024. 10am-11am

Ethical Issues in Language Testing
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Isbell, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii

Language testers have shown longstanding concern for ethics in the practice of testing and assessment, as evidenced by documents like the International Language Testing Associations Code of Ethics and volumes written on issues such as fairness and justice in testing. Recently, more attention has been drawn to issues of ethics in language testing research, ranging from conflicts of interest (Isbell & Kim, 2023) and the transparency and accessibility of research (Isbell & Kremmel, forthcoming; Winke, forthcoming). In this webinar, I will survey current topics of interest and discuss both actions taken and actions that should be taken to improve the ethical quality of research in language testing.

Daniel R. Isbell, Associate Professor in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, will present this Webinar. Please find the Zoom details below. We look forward to seeing you there.

Zoom Connection Details

Topic: Ethical Issues in Language Testing Research
Time: Jun 9, 2024 10:00 AM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

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Meeting ID: 961 5770 6346
Passcode: 113351

JALT PanSIG 2024

PanSIG is an annual conference which will be held from May 24 to May 26 in Fukui. It is organized by many of the Special Interest Groups of JALT. This year TEVAL is sponsoring plenary speaker Dr. Daniel Isbell, assistant professor from the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai’I at Mānoa. His keynote Hype and High-Tech Language Tests: Staying Grounded with Language Assessment Fundamentals will be from 10am on Saturday, May 25.To learn more about Dr. Isbell and his upcoming keynote address you can read this recent interview with him in the current issue of SHIKEN

Following the keynote, we are pleased to announce a forum with Dr. Isbell to be held at 1pm on Saturday, May 25. This will be a chance tor TEVAL members to ask any questions or raise any concerns they may have regarding language assessment. The informal, conversational type setting is sure to be conducive to some interesting discussion so make sure you put this event in your calendar! Everyone is welcome to submit any questions or issues they have in advance and if you wish, this can be done anonymously using the following google doc: We strongly encourage you to make the most of this opportunity and submit any questions you have regarding language testing. We look forward to seeing you at this PANSIG forum!

PanSig is a smaller and more intimate conference than the annual international JALT conference so it is a great place for SIG members to network with each other. Being held in Fukui offers attendees the chance to visit the newly refurbished, world renowned Fukui Dinosaur Museum and to take a ride the newly completed Shinkansen line extending from Kanazawa to Fukui!
For more information: JALT PanSIG 2024
