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Fluency awareness as a way to increase speaking ability in a first-year college level English class

Errata: An uncorrected proof of Dr. Jenifer Larson-Hall's article was inadvertently posted, but has been replaced with the corrected version.

Article appearing in Shiken 20.1 (June 2016) pp. 1-11.

Author: Jenifer Larson-Hall
Kitakyushu University

This study reports on using fluency awareness to develop speaking ability for Japanese students over a one-year course in communicative English. Past studies on fluency and speaking rate are reviewed and classroom practices designed to promote fluency are explained. A simple test with scores that are easily calculated and understood by students for generating fluency scores is described. This test can be used by speaking teachers for a rough estimate of fluency in low-stakes classroom assessments. The statistical analyses done for this study found that students showed substantial progress in their fluency in terms of words per minute over the course of a year.

Keywords: Fluency, fluency awareness, speaking ability, speaking rate

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