Respondent Questionnaire for Phase 3 of This Study: Items 23 - 33

Items: # 1 - 11 # 12 - 22 # 23 - 33 # 34 - 44 # 45 - 55

23 The little girl drew a cat face on the clean cover of her father's new expensive book. She had no idea of her father's reaction to her behavior.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
24 The young woman angrily followed the little mouse with a long sharp stick in her right hand. The young woman used the stick to frighten the little mouse.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
100 The first article on the future of our medicine sounded more difficult to understand but less informative. That article would not really create much interest in the reader.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
26 He could make mistakes and accept no corrections in every area of his life without feeling bad. Because he was stubborn, he rejected corrections when he was mistaken.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
27 The strong winds of the autumn always bent and broke some of the trees of our garden. Because they blew strongly, when they started, they damaged some trees.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
28 The lovely taste of the red apples of our garden was what the market ones never had. Freshness was what made our apples better than the market ones.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
29 To hide the jewelry, what the woman did was to go from the kitchen to the bedroom. The bedroom was where she would consider safer for the jewelry.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
30 Very big clouds suddenly appeared in the blue sky above the small lake near the green forest. The blue sky above the lake was where big clouds appeared.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
31 When the hunter reached the tiger, he did not shoot at it because it was very young. When he reached it, he changed his mind because age mattered.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
32 As soon as the red ball fell into the hole, he shouted happily although it was midnight. His shout was what the ball's fall into the hole caused.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
33 The policeman in the helicopter looked at the little children in the forest behind the farm buildings. The children behind the buildings saw the policeman in the helicopter.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:



Phase 1 Questionnaire Phase 2 Questionnaire
Abstract Background Method Results
Conclusion References Appendix 1 Appendix 2

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