Respondent Questionnaire for Phase 3 of This Study

Rate each of the following 55 stem-response pairs in terms of the eight criteria below.
Please use a 5-point scale in which "1" represents the minimum value and "5" the maximum value to assess the first six criteria.
When rating the 7th criterion, please rate the degree of factuality/inferentiality in the second sentence of each stem-resonse pair.
When rating the 8th criterion, decide whether the second sentence in each stem-response pair seems to be true or false if the first sentence is consistently true.
You will have as much time as you need to complete this part of the survey.

Items: # 1 - 11 # 12 - 22 # 23 - 33 # 34 - 44 # 45 - 55

No. Stem-Response Pair
1 The red roses of the garden never had the freshness of the pink ones beyond the fence. The location, not the color, was the source of the difference.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
2 The discussions among the members had a real effect on deciding on a solution to the problem. They found a solution mainly as a result of their discussions.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
3 The old Japanese driver finally parked his small car between the toy shop and the grocery store. The driver took some time to park his car over there.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
4 Although Mary was a popular singer, when she woke up every morning, she listened to others' songs. The singer preferred to listen to others' songs after waking up.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
5 We could not agree on giving them the chance to interfere with the decisions, goals, and strategies. Interference with all those was probably what they had in mind.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
6 To catch those animals, what the people of the town had to have was guns and cages. There were some wild animals to be caught by the people.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
7 When he finally found the big gold ring, he hid it although it belonged to the girl. He actually hid the girl's big ring to steal it.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
8 The shadow near the window caused her to feel his presence in the corner of the room. When he entered, she saw his shadow before she saw him.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
9 The last car accident in the busy highway near the town damaged hundreds of expensive beautiful cars. The location of the last car accident was the busy highway.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
10 The strange behaviors of the little child's old grandfather were what he could not get used to. The grandfather could never get used to his grandchild's strange behavior.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:
11 She could cook and wash for hours in the lovely kitchen of her apartment without sitting down. The beautiful kitchen gave her energy to work without feeling tired.
Respondent Ratings: General Complexity: Imagery:
Lexical Difficulty: World Knowledge: Semantic Complexity: Syntactic Complexity:
Degree of Factuality / Inferentiality: Response Veracity:



Phase 1 Questionnaire Phase 2 Questionnaire
Abstract Background Method Results
Conclusion References Appendix 1 Appendix 2

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