Robert Gardner is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario. He obtained a Ph.D. in psychology from McGill University in 1960 and started teaching at the Univ. of Western Ontario the following year. A leading authority on attitudes towards second language acquisition, Gardner has also been crunching numbers for many years. The structural equation modeling (SEM) approach in his 1972 text Attitude and motivation in second language learning was absolutely stunning. Gardner applied a new statistical procedure to language learning attitudes and explained his methodology in a clear, straightforward manner. His recent Psychological statistics using SPSS for Windows, this newsletter's featured book review, is an outstanding work on statistical analysis and methodological procedures. This interview was conducted by email in the winter of 2003. |
Part I - General Questions
What changes have you seen in the testing field since starting your career?[ p. 11 ]
Do any recent trends in testing concern you a lot?Part II - Questions about Psychological statistics using SPSS for Windows
[ p. 12 ]
Should a student be familiar with all of the analysis measures in your book Psychological statistics using SPSS for Windows to obtain a post graduate degree which includes a quantitative study?[ p. 13 ]
One user-friendly aspect of Psychological statistics using SPSS for Windows is that each chapter has a short table of contents and a bit of history for each analysis method discussed. Why did you choose to organize it like that?Part III - Analytical Methodology Questions
[ p. 14 ]
Why are Standardized Regression Coefficients and Structure Coefficients so difficult to interpret (pp. 209 - 213, pp 221 - 222)? Is the usage of part and partial correlation coefficients in a regression equation an example of fuzzy psychometric usage? Why do you caution interpreting part and partial correlation coefficients?[ p. 15 ]
(particularly the "predictors"), and the standard deviations of the variables. Although it is true that in most instances the standardized regression coefficients tend to vary between minus one and plus one, this isn't necessarily the case. As a consequence, interpretation of either the standardized or the unstandardized regression coefficients is hazardous because you don't really know what is large or small. Also, as I discuss in my book, a larger standardized regression may not even be significant whereas a smaller one is, so relative comparisons are also hazardous.[ p. 16 ]
someone will pressure them to do so), would they please interpret either the corresponding part or partial correlations instead. The reason for this is that to present a part or partial correlation it is necessary to say that the value in question is the correlation between the criterion and the particular predictor once the variation due to the other predictors in the equation is removed from the predictor (part correlation) and the criterion (partial correlation). The other thing, of course, is that part and partial correlations can vary only from -1 to +1. As an aside, I might note that the tests of significance of the regression coefficient, the part, and the partial correlation are all equivalent The formulae often given to determine significance look different, but they can be shown to be algebraically equivalent. That is, if the regression coefficient is significant at say the .032 level, the other two will also be significant at the .032 level.[ p. 17 ]
These slopes refer to variables that have different standard deviations (and means, for that matter). The standardized regression coefficient is the weight in standard score form. It is the slope of the standardized criterion against the standardized predictor when all the other predictors in the equation have been residualized (i.e., have been made independent of one another, regardless of their intercorrelations). These slopes refer to variables that have standard deviations of 1, (and means of 0).[ p. 18 ]
What you say is true, especially if there are a relatively few number of predictors and/or a fairly simple structure of relationships. With a large number of predictors and a very complex set of predictors, you can identify some different variables as contributors depending on whether you use Forward Inclusion or Backward Elimination. But the question one might ask is so what? With Forward Inclusion you let the computer decide which variable correlates the highest, then which has the highest part correlation once the first predictor has been partialed out, then which when the first two predictors are partialed out, etc... In the end, you have an equation for which not all of the predictors may have significant regression coefficients, but they did along the way. With Backward Elimination, you enter all variables then eliminate the one that has the smallest (in an absolute sense) and non-significant t-value for the regression coefficient, recompute the regression equation with that variable eliminated, and then eliminate the variable with the lowest absolute t-value, etc... With this approach, you will have variables that all have significant regression coefficients on the final step, though if you use the SPSS Backward default option, the p value to retain is less than .10. In my book, I recommend against using any of the indirect solutions, and this is true of most people who write books on the use of multiple regression. The problem with any of these approaches is that they capitalize on all the chance variation in the sample of data and most likely will not replicate on another sample of data using the same variables.[ p. 19 ]
There are a number of other approaches, however, that have been proposed, but generally they are computationally labourious or complex, so the scree and the eigenvalue 1 criterion are the most commonly used. One can get into quite an argument here, but generally I find that there isn't that much difference between the various criteria if they are followed with an eye on the nature of the variables making up the analysis. And, in the long run, the important point is will the solutions be comparable if the study is replicated. In the end, that is the most meaningful criterion.Conclusion
What are you planning to write next?[ p. 20 ]
[ p. 21 ]