Innovative School-Based Oral Testing in Asiaby Tim Murphey (Kanda University of International Studies) |
Abstract |
This article describes some recent changes in assessment in several Asian countries and proposes that more Asian-based modeling of testing alternatives might help some institutions in other countries break out of their "entrance exam hell" mentality and shift educational assessment holistically toward a more performance and formative style. It ends with a proposed shift in university entrance exams toward more literacy-based oral interviews that might have a big impact on JHS and HS teaching and may actually produce "Asians with English abilities." Keywords: oral testing, entrance exams, wash-back, backwash, school-based assessment |
"quick-'n-dirty perfunctory [university entrance] interviews are in fact common for screening incoming recommended students" |
[ p. 14 ]
"To make oral interviews an important component of the admission process surely enhances the validity of the decisions that are made." |
[ p. 15 ]
Around the world the movement towards alternatives to formal tests of language is building momentum, at the same time that more and more traditional and high-stakes tests are appearing. These alternatives tend to be lower stakes, more participatory, more closely aligned with curriculum goals, and to emphasize performance assessment. In several countries school-based assessment has become one of the most influential alternatives. In this paper I describe the SBA approach being taken in Hong Kong, and illustrate it with examples.At the same conference Mostafa and Othman discussed the backwash of a school-based oral English test in Malaysia and their summary stated:
This qualitative study investigated the backwash effect of the Oral English Test (OET) conducted at school-based level in selected secondary schools in the Batang Padang district of Perak. More specifically, the study looked at how English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers prepared students for the test in school, how they tested the students in a school-based context, and examined the backwash effects of the test conducted on classroom instructions and student performance. Findings indicated that the School-based Oral English Test produced beneficial backwash on the ESL teachers’ classroom instructions and on the performance of the students in the test.
[ p. 16 ]
It is normal not to understand some words and expressions when we read. You are encouraged to ask your interviewers questions about the passage or vocabulary that you do not understand. The goal is to come to a good collaborative understanding by the end of the interview.
"If secondary school teachers are going to teach to the exams (which most will inevitably do) we can tap into the washback effect and promote the use of real world material by using them on our tests." |
[ p. 17 ]
[ p. 18 ]
[ p. 19 ]
Obunsha (Ed.). (2008). 2008 Nen jukenyou – Zenkoku daigaku nyuushi mondai kaitou: Eigo (Watakushiritsu hen). [2008 English National Private University Entrance Exams - for Cram Schools]. Tokyo: Editor.Main Article | Appendix A |
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONSTentative Book Title: TESTING INNOVATIONS IN ASIA (TIA).The purpose of this volume is to present innovative testing practices in many Asian countries and bring them to light so that other testers might model them and adapt them to perform better in their own contexts. The logic is that testing procedures that are already within the Asian contexts may often be more appropriately adapted to other Asian contexts than practices imported from afar. We are looking for innovative practices in wide scale national or international testing, entrance exam testing to schools and universities, as well as school-based testing. We are also interested in innovative classroom based testing that might lend itself to wider use among schools and institutions. FIRST SUBMISSION of PROPOSALS deadline by April 2009. Please send a short abstract and outline of what your innovative testing idea is and what would be included in your chapter, what has been done and a brief history of it, (list previous publications about the innovation). Let us know what remains to be done with any supporting documents (1000 to 2000 words). This may be submitted to Tim Murphey ( or Siwon Park ( by email or sent to Address: Kanda University of International Studies, TIMELINE: Notification of tentative acceptance of chapters June 2009. Finished chapters by October 2009. Book to be published in 2010. |
[ p. 20 ]