A Prototype for One Section of a EFL Reading Test |
In our opinion, the current TOEIC® Part 5 and Part 6 are too similiar. We also have other concerns
this test which are outlined in this opinion piece. Listed below is one attempt to create part of a reading
test that taps into at least some paragraph-level skills and also does not rely exclusively on multiple-choice format. This prototype involves three tasks: (1) paragraph unscrambling, (2) open sentence completion, (3) multiple matching. This is by no means a complete reading test, nor is it without problems. However, to stimulate creative thought on about foreign language reading assessment, we put this out and welcome feedback. It should go without saying that considerable more piloting and revision is needed before this can be called a ready-to-use product. |
α . I plan to open up a checking account at a local bank. β . With premium accounts, there is no such monthly service charge. γ . However, I can't decide whether to up a regular or premium account. δ . Premium customers, though, must a balance of 500 dollars in their accounts. ε . One advantage of a regular account is there is required minimum balance. ζ . On the other , regular accounts have a monthly service charge. η . If the account falls below $500, customers will be required to pay a $10 fee.
Task 1: Determine the correct sentence sequence for sentences β - ζ for the paragraph above –
Task 2: Complete the two sentences below by typing in any appropriate word(s) which are congruent with
Q1. The 3rd sentence in this paragraph should be
Q2.The 5th sentence in this paragraph should be
the overall meaning of the entire paragraph. (Please note that more than one correct response is possible)Q3. The author feels about which kind of bank account to open.Task 3: Complete sentences γ - ζ by selecting the most appropriate word (a - i) from the list below:
Q4. Regarding this transaction, the author's main concern seems to be
(a) set (d) seat (g) contain (b) any (e) much (h) no (c) hand (f) side (i) maintainQ5. The correct missing word for sentence γ is
Q6. The correct missing word for sentence δ is
Q7. The correct missing word for sentence ε is
Q8. The correct missing word for sentence ζ is
[ p. * ]
α . I just read the quarterly financial statement for Ocean Investments. β . This condition is artfully in the report, which downplays all problems. γ . If we withdraw too much money all of a , it could create a run. δ . No doubt novice investors might be fooled by the report. ε . I must frankly state that their finances are : they face bankruptcy. ζ . However, shrewd investors are to detect the charade. η . I therefore want you to withdraw our funds gradually over the next month.
Task 1: Determine the correct sentence sequence for sentences β - ζ for the paragraph above –
Task 2: Complete the two sentences below by typing in any appropriate word(s) which are congruent with
Q9. The 3rd sentence in this paragraph should be
Q10.The 5th sentence in this paragraph should be
the overall meaning of the entire paragraph. (Please note that more than one correct response is possible)Q11. The person writing this hardly feels about Ocean Investments.Task 3: Complete sentences γ - ζ by selecting the most appropriate word (a - i) from the list below:
Q12. The person writing this is hoping to avoid
(a) abysmal (d) absent (g) absolute (b) masking (e) mask (h) masked (c) bond (f) bounded (i) boundQ13. The correct missing word for sentence γ is
Q14. The correct missing word for sentence δ is
Q15. The correct missing word for sentence ε is
Q16. The correct missing word for sentence ζ is
[ p. * ]